Average Daily Job Runtime

on June 20, 2009

Here’s a query I found useful today– this week we moved many of our production datamart servers to SQL 2K5 SP3 CU4, and today among the course of other issues I wanted to take a look at my job runtimes to see if they might be noticeably slower or faster than prior runs. I often am in a similar situation after deploying significant changes to our codebase.

Why average runtime?

Since most of my processing runs in SQL Server Agent jobs, looking at average runtime per day is a pretty convenient index of performance. However, the load in processing varies by day of week, so it’s frequently useful to check activity for only a certain day of the week.

This script allows for both. I usually want to tweak the conditions, so I don’t set them in variables at the top, I edit them within the query itself each time:

use msdb;

    , avgDurationMinutes=avg(d.durationMinutes)
    , daydate=convert(char(10),startdatetime,101)
from (
            CONVERT (DATETIME, RTRIM(run_date))
            + (
                run_time * 9
                + run_time % 10000 * 6
                + run_time % 100 * 10
            ) / 216e4
        , durationMinutes=
                (CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),1,3) AS INT) * 60 * 60
                 + CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),4,2) AS INT) * 60
                 + CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),6,2) AS INT)

        ,enddatetime =
                (CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),1,3) AS INT) * 60 * 60
                 + CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),4,2) AS INT) * 60
                 + CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),6,2) AS INT)
            (CONVERT (DATETIME, RTRIM(run_date))
            + (
                run_time * 9
                + run_time % 10000 * 6
                + run_time % 100 * 10
            ) / 216e4 )
        , retries_attempted
    from sysjobs j (nolock)
    join sysjobhistory h  on
        h.job_id = j.job_id
        and h.step_id = 0 -- look only at the job outcome step for the total job runtime
        j.name in ('<strong>JobName</strong>')  -- Set the jobname here

) d
    datepart(dw,startdatetime)=7 -- Set  your day of week here if desired. 7=Saturday
group by
order by
    ,cast(convert(char(10),startdatetime,101)as datetime) desc;